Bharat Ka Rashtrapati Kaun Hai – सभी बातें जो आपको पता होनी चाहिए।

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In the Indian political system, the President of India holds a significant position. The President of India is the head of state of the Republic of India and is the ceremonial head of the country. The President is also the Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Armed Forces. The President is elected by an Electoral College consisting of the elected members of both houses of Parliament, as well as the elected members of the Legislative Assemblies of the States and Union territories.

Bharat Ka Rashtrapati Kaun Hai (Who is the President of India)

As of August 2021, the President of India is Shri Ram Nath Kovind. He assumed office on July 25, 2017. Ram Nath Kovind is the 14th President of India.

Role of the President of India

The President of India plays a crucial role in the Indian political system. Some of the key functions and powers of the President include:

1. Head of the State: The President is the ceremonial head of the state and represents the unity of the nation.

2. Executive Powers: The President appoints the Prime Minister, who is the head of the government. The President also appoints other high officials like the Attorney General of India, the Chief Justice of India, and the Governors of States.

3. Legislative Powers: The President summons and prorogues the sessions of Parliament. The President also addresses both Houses of Parliament at the beginning of the first session after each general election.

4. Assent to Bills: The President has the power to give his assent to bills passed by Parliament, making them into laws.

5. Diplomatic Powers: The President represents India in international matters and receives foreign ambassadors.

6. Judicial Powers: The President has the power to grant pardons, reprieves, and respites, and to remit, suspend, or commute sentences in certain cases.

7. Military Powers: The President is the Supreme Commander of the Indian Armed Forces.

Election Process of the President

The President of India is elected through an indirect election. The election is conducted by the Election Commission of India. The President is elected by an Electoral College consisting of the elected members of both Houses of Parliament and the elected members of the Legislative Assemblies of the States and Union territories.

The value of the vote of an MLA (Member of Legislative Assembly) is determined by the population of the state he or she represents. The value of the vote of an MP (Member of Parliament) is determined by the total population of all states and Union territories.

In order to be eligible for election as President, a candidate must be a citizen of India, at least 35 years old, and must be eligible to be elected as a member of the Lok Sabha (House of the People).

The President is elected for a term of five years. However, the President can resign from office at any time before the expiry of the term.

Powers of the President

The President of India has both executive and legislative powers. Some of the important powers of the President are:

1. Executive Powers: The President appoints the Prime Minister, who is the head of the government. The President also appoints other high officials like the Attorney General of India, the Chief Justice of India, and the Governors of States.

2. Legislative Powers: The President has the power to summon and prorogue the sessions of Parliament. The President also has the power to address and send messages to either House of Parliament.

3. Diplomatic Powers: The President represents India in international affairs. The President also accredits diplomats to foreign countries.

4. Military Powers: The President is the Supreme Commander of the Indian Armed Forces.

5. Judicial Powers: The President has the power to grant pardons, reprieves, and respites, and to remit, suspend, or commute sentences in certain cases.

Salary and Allowances of the President

The President of India receives a salary and various allowances as per the Second Schedule of the Constitution of India. As of 2021, the monthly salary of the President is Rs. 5 lakh. In addition to the salary, the President is entitled to a daily allowance of Rs. 3,000 per day when on official duty.

The President is provided with a number of facilities and allowances, including residence, staff, security, and other benefits to carry out the duties of the office effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions about the President of India

1. Who is eligible to become the President of India?
To be eligible for election as President of India, a person must be a citizen of India, at least 35 years of age, and must be eligible to be elected as a member of the Lok Sabha (House of the People).

2. How is the President of India elected?
The President of India is elected through an indirect election by an Electoral College consisting of the elected members of both Houses of Parliament and the Legislative Assemblies of the States and Union territories.

3. What is the term of office of the President of India?
The President of India is elected for a term of five years. However, the President can resign from office at any time before the expiry of the term.

4. Can the President of India be impeached?
Yes, the President of India can be impeached for violation of the Constitution. The process of impeachment involves charges being preferred by either House of Parliament and requires a two-thirds majority to impeach the President.

5. What are the powers of the President of India?
The President of India has both executive and legislative powers. The President appoints the Prime Minister and other high officials, summons and prorogues the sessions of Parliament, represents India in international affairs, is the Supreme Commander of the Indian Armed Forces, and has judicial powers.

6. How is the salary of the President of India decided?
The salary of the President of India is determined by an Act of Parliament, as per the Second Schedule of the Constitution of India. As of 2021, the monthly salary of the President is Rs. 5 lakh.

7. What happens if the President of India dies or resigns?
In case of the death, resignation, or removal of the President of India, the Vice-President acts as the President until a new President is elected.

8. Can the President of India still be a member of a political party?
No, the President of India cannot be a member of any political party during the term in office.

9. Can the President of India veto bills passed by Parliament?
The President of India can send a bill back to Parliament for reconsideration once. However, if the bill is passed by both Houses of Parliament again, the President must give his assent.

10. What are the qualifications required to become the President of India?
To become the President of India, a person must be a citizen of India, at least 35 years of age, and be eligible to become a member of the Lok Sabha (House of the People).

In conclusion, the President of India holds a pivotal role in the Indian political system. The President acts as the head of state, with important executive, legislative, diplomatic, military, and judicial powers. The President is elected through an indirect election process for a term of five years. The office of the President of India is essential in upholding the democratic principles and functions of the country.

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